(Noun) przyroda szelak;
100 000 rupii
100000 rupii
szelak nieoczyszczony
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Outside The Smuggler inn a man with one leg once told me â?? somewhat awed â?? about a telly celebrity who owned one of the houses on the shingle. I think it had a red and yellow plastic slide in the drive, the Pett Level equivalent, perhaps, of a Cadillac Escalade. It's what you might call bottom-end British leisure.â?? The Smuggler, Pett Level Road
She realises she is a survivor, but she doesn't want to be seen as an anachronism, and another journalist gets it in the neck for calling her a "lilac relic of bygone days". But as befits a duchess (and someone who has little interest in politics), she proudly proclaims that she has voted Conservative all her life and inveighs against change. She dislikes the modern obsession with health and safety, and mourns the decline of the English language, the destruction of the postal service and the disappearance of Punch. But she accepts modernity is not all bad, welcoming the advances in dentistry. "You've no idea what it was like when we were children," she says. "It was like going to a torture chamber."
8.15am: Ian Poulter follows also fails to nail his third shot (I think), the ball landing down the green but rolling away from the flag. Ach, that's unlucky for Steve Stricker. He gets much closer to the hole but the ball again spins back, rolling some 15-20 feet down the slop. Fisher nails it, though: birdie chance. The Americans, wearing a fetching lilac this morning, are fist-pumping on 10, however, as Overton's putter talks.
Obama's use of the word "shellacking" to describe the Democrats' defeat was an unusual one. The term is slang for repeatedly and severely beating and can also mean being decisively defeated. But it is also used to refer to coating or finishing a surface with shellack, a kind of varnish. Its origin is French â?? laque en ?©cailles â?? literally meaning lac in thin plates. For a president trying to reach out to an angry electorate, it was an odd turn of phrase. He will certainly need more than a thin layer of varnish to weather the political blows ahead.
He's got some abdominal pain and a deep lac on his hand.
Odczuwa ból brzucha i ma głęboką ranę na ręce. - Dlaczego jej nie zszywasz?
You called me down from surgery to assist with a scalp lac?
Wezwałaś mnie na dół z chirurgii, abym Ci asystował przy zszywaniu rany głowy?
When you finish, there's a head lac to irrigate in Curtain 2.
Jak skończysz, jest rana głowy do przemycia, parawan 2.
Sarabeth briar has got a facial lac,but she will only let you touch her.
Sarabeth Briar ma obrażenia twarzy, ale tylko pan może jej dotknąć.
Du Lac was both a theologian and a mathematician.
Du Lac był zarówno teologiem i matematykiem.
According to this, du Lac destroyed every Cross except the one buried with him.
Du Lac zniszczył wszystkie swoje Krzyże, z wyjątkiem tego, z którym go pochowano.
And I'm stupid enough to save your bullshit life at An Lac.
Sam nie wiem, po co ratowałem cię pod An Lac.
This article describes an invention of his which he called the du Lac Cross.
Ten artykuł opisuje jego wynalazek, który nazwał „Krzyż du Laca”.
I know I'll keep moving, before long, to get back to Fond du Lac.
Wiem, że niedługo będę wracał do Fond du Lac.
How about dinner at the Fond du Lac?
Co powiesz na kolację w Fond du Lac?
It was written by du Lac. Damn it!
Właśnie on ją napisał... psiakrew !
This is my brother, Henry Plainview from Fond du Lac.
Mój brat, Henry Plainview z Fund du Lac.
The bulk (over 85%) of LAC imports from the EU today are industrial products.
Obecnie większość (ponad 85 %) importu Ameryki Łacińskiej i Karaibów z UE stanowią produkty przemysłowe.
There's that house in Fond du Lac that John Hollister built.
W Fond du Lac jest ten dom, który wybudował John Hollister. Pamiętasz go?
Route One-A, sir, is the only route to An Lac, sir.
Do An Lac można dojechać tylko drogą 1-A.
He was an inmate at the Fond Du Lac Correctional Institute in Waupan.
Był pacjentem w zakładzie poprawczym dla mężczyzn Font Du Lac w Waupan, Missouri.
Eighty-five per cent of the imports into the countries of Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) are industrial products, whereas 40% of exports to the EU are commodities.
Osiemdziesiąt pięć procent importu do państw Ameryki Łacińskiej Karaibów stanowią produkty przemysłowe, podczas gdy 40 % eksportu do UE to artykuły spożywcze.
In my speech at the 5th EU-Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) summit meeting in Lima, Peru, which took place in May this year, I emphasised the foundational significance of regional integration for the 21st century.
W przemówieniu podczas piątego szczytu UE-Ameryka Łacińska i Karaiby (AŁiK) w Limie w Peru, które odbyło się w maju tego roku, podkreśliłem fundamentalne znaczenie integracji regionu na okres XXI wieku.
We are planning a special meeting between the European Union troika and the Mercosur countries, which will take place in May at the fringes of the summit between the EU and the LAC countries in Lima, Peru.
Planujemy specjalne posiedzenie między trójką Unii Europejskiej i krajami Mercosur, które odbędzie się w maju przy okazji szczytu między UE i krajami Ameryki Łacińskiej i Karaibów w Limie w Peru.