(Noun) Niemiec;
n (J~: German, pej) Szwab
(colloq) Niemiec.~ cpds ~-builder n fuszer budowlany
~-built adj tandetnie wybudowany (sfuszerowany)
(pl. jerries -) pot. Szwab
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Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
The eastern bank of the city was cut off by Croatian militias, and soldiers from the United Nations "Protection Force" simply ran away. Surreally, a kind of base camp was established in the town that also hosts the Catholic shrine of Medjugorje. From here, a retired military man, a saintly figure suffering from cancer called Jerry Hume, working for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), ran a lifeline of basic supplies (plus the less essential, occasional journalist) into the inferno of shellfire. And there in Medjugorje, in 1993, War Child began its operation as a bakery for the hundreds of thousands of refugees, including many Croats, then moved it into ravaged east Mostar on the day of the ceasefire. Leeson remembers a day when, "the doctors asked if I could shine the light of my video camera so they could amputate some kid's leg without anaesthetic. I thought to myself: what the hell am I doing holding this light? Am I going insane, or has the world gone insane?"Aviva's Jerry Finch said the added cover is worth it: "It should help customers feel more confident of their position. By introducing the new option we are providing our customers with the freedom to choose the amount of cover they feel would be right for them."10.55pm: Daly has just missed his third birdie putt in a row, leaving a simple enough straight ten-footer out on the left at 14. Coltart drains one at 14 to move to -4. McIlroy has knocked his tee shot at the par-three 11th to the heart of the green; he'll have a run at another birdie. "While PG Wodehouse is the master of golfing humour," begins Gary Naylor, "I do like the Tom and Jerry cartoon set on a golf course. I can see John Daly in the Road Hole bunker reprising Tom's furious thrashing, digging ever deeper in the sand, to no good effect. As ever with Daly, one would be torn between the urge to laugh and the urge to cry."I'll need a long summer break just to finish Jerry Fodor and Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini's dense but explosively exciting What Darwin Got Wrong (Profile). The celebration of the great scientist's bicentenary last year courteously sidestepped the fact that most cutting-edge biologists now regard natural selection as little more than cosmetic tweaking in the process of evolution. What's happening is far more philosophically thrilling: creatures are doing it for themselves. The authors show how ancient "managerial" genes, self-organising systems in cells and the inherent tendency towards symmetry in living structures all help to generate new organisms fully pre-adapted to their environments. Wings already pre-balanced for flight!Meet Jerry Della Femina, the door-to-door salesman who became become so influential in US advertising he's Peggy Olson, Don Draper and Bert Cooper rolled into oneHe could be any of the Mad Men characters. Peggy Olson? He's a working-class Brooklynite who rose from a lowly admin role to become one of the most respected names in advertising. Don Draper? He's a door-to-door salesman who went from obscurity to being one of the biggest names in New York adland. Or Bert Cooper? He's the old man running the firm, arguing with people about Ayn Rand. Over the years he's been all of them but right now Madison Avenue legend Jerry Della Femina might well be the last Mad Man standing.In 1970, Della Femina, the then 34-year-old chairman of his own ad agency, wrote one of the defining books about advertising, the cult bestseller From Those Wonderful Folks Who Gave You Pearl Harbor. Taking its title from a suggestion Jerry made to colleagues about how they could sell Panasonic TVs, its anecdotes about 60s ad land made it a key source for Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner when building the world of Sterling Cooper.At the end of 2008, the journalist Jerry Ewing pitched an idea for a new magazine to a publishing company. His idea was a magazine dedicated entirely to progressive rock, long reviled in the critical mainstream as the apotheosis of the musical excess of the pre-punk 70s, a largely forgotten realm of concept albums, difficult time signatures and extraordinary instrumental virtuosity. Ewing says he wasn't surprised when his publishers agreed to the idea â?? "there was a tidal shift in favour of prog; the BBC had done that Prog Britannia documentary, which seemed a kind of acceptance" â?? but even he seems taken aback by the success of Classic Rock: Prog. It currently sells around 22,000 copies an issue, half the circulation of the NME: not bad, given that Ewing is surely the first editor in four decades to utter the sentence: "Our best-selling issue had Jethro Tull on the cover."Accordingly, there's a sense that prog has always been with us. The perceived wisdom is that it was utterly swept away by punk, but that doesn't account for the string of British prog bands signed by major labels in the early 80s â?? not just Marillion, but IQ, Pendragon and Pallas â?? nor for the continued chart success of Yes, Rush and Genesis, although whether those bands' 80s oeuvres could truly be considered prog is a matter of some debate: "They were all doing poppy, keyboard, kind of shorter-song music," sniffs Portnoy, with the unmistakable air of a man who thinks that sort of thing isn't really on. Nor does it account for the way prog hung over vast tranches of 80s pop. You can hear its influence in the long, serpentine songs found on David Sylvian's Brilliant Trees, Thomas Dolby's The Flat Earth and Talk Talk's The Colour of Spring, or in Ultravox's penchant for writing side-long tracks split into sections. Classic Rock: Prog runs a monthly feature called It's Prog Jim, But Not As We Know it, which picks out "albums that are very obviously prog by bands you would never have associated with the word". Its most recent candidate was Frankie Goes to Hollywood's debut, Welcome to the Pleasuredome, which, Jerry Ewing points out, not unreasonably, was a double concept album in a gatefold sleeve, featuring an 18-minute-long title track inspired by Coleridge's poem Kubla Khan, produced by an ex-member of Yes and featuring Steve Howe on guitar. Another feature in the magazine encourages unlikely musicians to reveal their love of prog: you apparently can't move for 80s pop stars desperate to fess up to a secret passion for the likes of Gnidrolog. "We've had Nik Kershaw, who was a massive Gentle Giant fan," says Ewing. "Morten Harket from a-ha, he was in there raving about Uriah Heep. Siobhan Fahey from Bananarama â?? huge Pink Floyd fan."Among the songs that the Jolly Boys are covering in their new album, Great Expectation, are "The Passenger", "Golden Brown" and "Rehab". "When Mr Baker asked me to do these new songs I asked myself if I could really do it," Minott says, "but he says just listen to the songs and when I did, boy, I knew I could put them into a mento style." Baker also helped the band to star in a television advertisement, currently airing in Britain, for Old Jamaica ginger beer, which features their version of Jerry Lee Lewis's "Great Balls of Fire". The tagline for the advert is: "You can't beat an old Jamaican."
Jerry, some guys were over the house looking for you.
Jerry, jacyś faceci tu byli, szukali cię.
You just said Jerry's right for the third time in the last week.
Właśnie powiedziałaś Jerry ma rację trzeci raz w przeciągu tygodnia.
Is this living in the moment enough for you, Jerry?
Czy to jest dla Ciebie wystarczające życie chwilą, Jer?
And we can get married just like you always wanted, Jerry.
I będziemy mogli wziąć ślub, taki jaki zawsze chciałeś, Jerry.
So Jerry was giving him $30,000 to make the buy.
Więc Jerry dał mu 30.000 na wpisowe.
I really think that you should give Jerry a chance.
Myślę, że naprawdę powinnaś dać Jerremu szansę.
But Jerry, we're talking about a rock from another world.
Lecz Jerry... tu chodzio skałę z innego świata.
Jerry, were you ever able to keep a secret from her?
Potrafiłeś utrzymać przed nią jakiś sekret?
Please, we need to do this for Jerry and his future.
Proszę, potrzebujemy tego dla Jerry'ego i jego przyszłości.
You heard what Jerry said, it's going to get hot in there.
Słyszałeś co powiedział Jerry, zrobi się tam gorąco.
Jerry always threatened to leave the force, but he never did.
Jerry groził odejściem z policji, ale nigdy tego nie zrobił.
A lot of you are probably wondering why Jerry isn't with us tonight.
Wielu z was pewnie zastanawia się... czemu nie ma dziś z nami, Jerriego.
Jerry said it will take at least three months for the court to respond.
Jerry mówi, że odpowiedź z sądu może przyjść za trzy miesiące.
I really don't think Jerry would ever tell anybody about this.
Naprawdę nie sądzę, by Jerry komuś o tym powiedział.
I've already spoken to Jerry about my being on the show.
Przepraszam. Właśnie rozmawiałem z Jerrym... o moim uczestnictwie w przedstawieniu.
Jerry, you know, this may not be easy, what we find.
Wiesz, Jerry... to co tam znajdziemy, może nie być łatwe do zaakceptowania.
I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you, Jerry.
Przepraszam, że to ja jestem tym który Cię o tym informuje Jerry.
Jerry. but I fear change and that should be respected.
Jerry. ale ja boję się zmian, uszanujcie to.
Jerry and Denise cannot get to the phone right now, because we're doing it!
Jerry i Denise nie mogą podejść teraz do telefonu, bo właśnie to robią!
Jerry, I don't think it's safe for you to see that girl alone.
Jerry, uważam, że to nie jest bezpieczne... ...abyś poszedł do niej sam.
Jerry, could you get my letter out of that damn thing?
Jerry, możesz wyciągnąć mój list z tego cholerstwa?
Jerry, why don't you just enjoy the party, all right?
Jerry, po prostu ciesz się imprezą,
Now, that has no relevance for Jerry in his world, right?
To nie ma znaczenia dla Jerry'ego i jego świata, prawda?
Two days ago, they broke into Jerry's garage and took everything.
Dwa dni temu włamali się do garażu Jerry'ego - grabiąc wszystko.
Jerry was the first truly decent man I'd ever met.
Jerry był pierwszym przyzwoitym mężczyzną jakiego kiedykolwiek spotkałam.
I can't understand why Jerry hasn't brought his heavy armor into play.
Nie rozumiem, dlaczego szkopy nie wprowadziły ciężkiego sprzętu do gry.
Oh, wait, Jerry, you should use my new cell phone.
Czekaj Jerry, możesz skorzystać z mojego nowego telefonu komórkowego.
The guy was skittish, only wanted to talk to Jerry.
Facet był płochliwy, chciał rozmawiać tylko z Jerrym.
Jerry and I have been at couples counselling, for over a year.
Jerry i ja chodziliśmy do doradcy dla par. Przez ponad rok.
But we gotta make sure that Jerry's hard work is not left hanging.
Ale musimy upewnić się, że ciężka praca Jerry'ego się nie zmarnuje.
Did Jerry mention anything about what you might sacrifice for this deal?
Czy Jerry wspominał, co będziesz musiał poświęcić dla tego wszystkiego?
Jerry, you're supposed to be looking for your son, not dessert.
Jerry, miałeś szukać syna, nie deseru.
Go with him and bring two jerry cans of holy water each.
Zaprowadzicie go i przyniesiecie mi po dwie bańki wody święconej każdy!
What has Jerry said about his life at home?
Ile Jerry opowiedział ci o swoim życiu rodzinnym?
I've always wanted to come here, but Jerry gets vertigo.
Zawsze chciałam tu przyjść, ale Jerry dostawał zawrotów głowy.
Jerry is willing to sacrifice another joe to save his own life.
Jerry jest gotów poświęcić innego Joe'a, żeby uratować własne życie.
Then you know your husband Jerry works for them.
Więc wiesz ze twój mąż Jerry pracuje dla nich? - Nie
We'll make it eleven before Jerry has you for breakfast.
Zrób 11 zanim Jerry zje cię na śniadanie.
Okay, so we know it's not Jerry, unless he was lying to me.
Więc z tego co wiemy, to nie był Jerry. Chyba, że kłamał.
I came out here to be a star, Jerry.
Przyjechałam tu, żeby być gwiazdą, Jerry.
My mother was like the woman in Tom and Jerry.
Moja mama była jak ta kobieta z kreskówki Tom iJerry.
Jerry, we've got some great stuff, good footage coming in on the satellite.
Jerry, mamy coś dobrego, świetny materiał filmowy z satelity.
What if I set something up between me, you, and Jerry?
Może jest coś między mną, tobą i Jerrym?
I was thinking the division could continue to sponsor him, in honor of Jerry.
Myślałem, że nasz posterunek mógłby robić to dalej sponsorować go na cześć Jerry'ego.
Right now, Jerry is strapped to a chair somewhere in this city.
Teraz, Jerry jest przywiązany do krzesła... gdzieś w środku miasta.
It's certain Jerry won't expect an invasion force in this weather.
To pewne, że Niemcy nie spodziewają się inwazji przy takiej pogodzie.
I mean, that's why Jerry begged me to switch places with him.
To znaczy... dlatego Jerry błagał mnie abyśmy zamienili się miejscami.
Jerry, how the hell could he miss the goddamn plane?
Jak mógł się spóźnić na samolot?
Jerry Maguire will still be the king of rock and roll.
Jerry Maguire jest dla mnie królem rock and roll'a.