(Noun) Jakub;
im. Jakub
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
AgriSA, the main farmers' union, recorded 1,541 murders and 10,151 farm attacks between 1994 and last year. "The real problem is President Jacob Zuma," said Bennie van Zyl. "He cannot be trusted. We have been to him five times," he added, handing over a pile of unanswered letters, covering South Africa's failed land redistribution programme, farm killings and cattle rustling. "Zuma is under pressure from the left wing of the government alliance and he does not know how to stand up to people like Malema. He is allowing land to become a political issue, like Mugabe. But farming is about food security, not politics.
The South African president, Jacob Zuma, also took to the stage and thanked South Africans for the welcome they had given World Cup fans, and called on them "to show the warmness for the whole duration of the tournament".
8.20am: However the Mail & Guardian doesn't put the World Cup on its front page - prefering instead to focus on the Cosatu general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi, who it says the "knives are out for" after criticising South Africa president Jacob Zuma. It's back page, meanwhile, has writer Mark Gleeson praising coach Carlos Albert Parreira for dropping Benni McCarthy, saying:
Bella (Kristen Stewart) is still deeply in love with dreamboat vampire Edward Cullen, played by Robert Pattinson, who has unattractive sideburns, beige contact lenses and increasingly quiffy hair, like some sort of diffident, undead Elvis. But she, of course, is also being courted by a werewolf hunk called Jacob, played by Taylor Lautner, a reckless, shirtless individual who has fallen for her. Both Edward and Jacob are gallant enough to realise that pressing their physical attentions on Bella means her having to relinquish human identity and commit. And there is no question of any noisome compromise, such as that by which ex-President Clinton technically avoided "relations" with Monica Lewinsky. So far, Bella has been reluctant to take the momentous step, but she certainly likes Edward more than Jacob.
There is an arresting scene in which, having used Bella's scent to lure the newborns to a certain stategically advantageous part of the forest for a showdown, Jacob has to carry her around the woods in his hunky arms to mask her musk â?? I think â?? and Bella snuggles coyly in his stern embrace. This looks like yet another excuse for non-sex contact.
It has become a truism to notice that the romance of vampires and other creatures in the Twilight books and movies is a metaphor for abstinence and denial. Over and over again, Edward and Jacob square up; over and over again, they find themselves smouldering at each other, at close quarters. Somehow, they find themselves camping out on the remote mountain, all three of them sharing a tent, and while Bella demurely gets some sleep, these two alpha males yet again face off, taunting each other. "I really get under that ice-cold skin of yours, don't I?" breathes Jacob. "If we weren't natural enemies, I might actually like you," murmurs Edward.
Oh my lordy, you could cut the tension with a knife. Later, Jacob discovers that Edward is engaged to be married to Bella, and he is really upset, and the audience is entitled to wonder if his state of mind isn't cloudier than it at first appears. If E Annie Proulx and Larry McMurtry were writing this, Jacob might have to go away and get some unsatisfying cowpoke job after he came down off the mountain, while Edward works in Bella's father's farm machinery business. As it is, they struggle on in the roles society has laid down for them. This vampire tale was a refreshing novelty in the first film: with the fourth and fifth now on the way, it could be time to sharpen the wooden stake.
A further extension of the inquiry into the leak came when Jacob Appelbaum, a specialist in internet privacy protection based in Seattle, was detained at Newark airport in New Jersey having returned to the US from Amsterdam.
Ashkenazi's evidence follows that of Barak and the prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, before a five-man panel headed by the former supreme court judge Jacob Turkel.
City takes out legal action over ownership of Jacob Wrey Mould's landmark designs found in a skip 50 years ago
Then I would like you to take me to jacob.
Dobrze, więc chcę, abyś zabrał mnie do Jacoba.
Jacob, I know you have something to say to me.
Jacob, wiem, że chcesz mi coś powiedzieć.
Jacob and his family are going south in the morning.
Jakub wraz z rodziną wyrusza z rana na południe.
Hear me, Jacob is the only one who can bring back.
Słuchaj, Jacob jest jedyną osobą, która może ją uratować.
I wanted to call back up, but Jacob wouldn't let me.
Chciałem zadzwonić po wsparcie, ale Jacob mi nie pozwolił.
This guy, Jacob, told me just before he got here.
Powiedział mi ten klient, Jacob, zanim tu przyjechaliśmy.
Jacob's a good fellow, but he still has a lot to learn.
Jacob to dobry człowiek, ale musi się jeszcze wiele nauczyć.
Jacob is the best thing that's happened to me in forever.
Jacob jest najlepszą rzeczą, że się do mnie na zawsze.
Everything you and Jacob will need is in this pack.
Wszystko, co niezbędne Jacobowi i tobie, jest w tym plecaku.
If you are here to torture Jacob some more, feel free to leave.
Jeżeli jesteś tutaj, by bardziej zranić Jacoba, możesz od razu wyjść.
And what kind of science crimes do you like to handle, Jacob?
A z jakimi naukowymi przestępstwami masz do czynienia, Jacob?
Jacob Wood, a man in his prime, leaves behind a wife and little boy.
Jacob Wood, mężczyzna w kwiecie wieku... zostawił żonę i małego synka.
You're looking for a person, but jacob fischer is after him also.
Szukasz osoby, ale Jacob Fischer też go szuka.
Jacob Carter has had no more influence on me than any other host.
Jacob Carter nie ma na mnie większego wpływu od poprzednich nosicieli.
Jacob, don't try and pretend you're doing this for anyone but yourself.
Nie udawaj, że zrobiłeś to dla kogoś poza tobą.
I know that Jacob was killed or injured in some terrible way.
Wiem, że Jacob zginął lub doświadczył jakiejś strasznej krzywdy.
Jacob, what happened to me after my father died?
Jacob, co się ze mną działo po śmierci ojca?
You were always a good friend to me, Jacob.
Zawsze byłeś mi dobrym przyjacielem. Dziękuję, Jakubie.
I'm not the marrying type and nor are you, Jacob.
Nie jestem stworzony do małżeństwa, tak jak i ty.
Jacob said he would take care of it himself.
Jacob powiedział, że osobiście się tym zajmie.
He wants you to know that Jacob is dead.
Chce, żebyście wiedzieli, że Jacob nie żyje.
Well, jacob never said anything about it to me.
Mi Jacob o niczym takim nie mówił.
Jacob, I think we got a drill in the supply cabinet.
Jacob, wydaje mi się, że mamy wiertarkę w szafce.
I think you should do it, Jacob, since you never have.
Myślę, że powinieneś to zrobić, Jacob, skoro nigdy tego nie robiłeś.
Couldn't I take them all at once, and have it over with, Jacob?
A czy nie mógłbym przyjąć ich wszystkich na raz i mieć to za sobą?
Abraham high wolf, remember who you are always, and remind your brother Jacob.
Abraham Wysoki Wilku, pamiętaj kim jesteś zawsze, i przypomnij swojemu bratu Jacobowi.
It seems he is giving it all to that Jacob.
Wygląda na to, że wszystko oddaje temu Jacob'owi.
If you must go, Jacob, don't let me keep you.
Jeśli musisz odejść to nie będę cię zatrzymywał.
Mr. Jacob found her when he was cleaning this morning.
Pan Jacob znalazł ją dziś rano podczas sprzątania..
Plus Jacob here keeps bugging me about seeing you again.
Plus, Jacob dręczył mnie, byśmy przyjechali znów cię zobaczyć.
Yeah, but you meant no. - Jacob hates me.
Tak, ale miałaś na myśli nie. - Jacob mnie nie znosi.
Come on, Jacob, give me some more details. How did it happen?
No, Jacob, zdradź mi trochę szczegółów, jak to się stało?
I wanted to know more about the younger boy... Jacob.
Chciałem dowiedzieć się czegoś więcej o młodszym synu Jacob'ie.
Jacob said, I will serve you seven years for your daughter Rachel.
Na to Jakub, Będę ci służył przez siedem lat za twoją córkę Rachel.
She goes through my stuff, like, all the time. Please, Jacob.
Jak zwykle będzie przeszukiwała moje rzeczy. Proszę, Jacob.
It is people like my son Jacob, who continue to thrust our crusade into the spotlight.
To są ludzie Jak mój syn Jacob, Który kontynuuje pchnąć Naszą krucjatę w centrum uwagii.
I knew you'd be. What happened was an accident, Jacob.
Wiedziałem, że będziesz. To co się stało, to był wypadek.
No one goes in there unless Jacob invites them in.
Nikt tam nie wchodzi, jeśli Jacob go nie zaprosi.
Going to see locke was my idea, Not jacob's.
Pójście do Locke'a było moim pomysłem, nie Jacoba.
That's what happens when you play with matches, Jacob.
Tak się stanie, gdy się będziesz bawił zapałkami, Jacob.
Leave Jacob alone... he probably hasn't even had his breakfast yet.
Zostaw Jacoba w spokoju... prawdopodobnie nie jadł jeszcze śniadania.
But this time we do need your symbiote, Jacob.
Ale tym razem potrzebujemy twojego symbiontu.
Do you think you and Jacob will get together?
Myślisz, że ty i Jacob zejdziecie się?
Now in this case, Jacob struggles with the angel.
Tym razem Jakub walczy z aniołem.
Jacob doesn't want anything to do with me.
Jacob nie chce mieć ze mną nic wspólnego.
This Jacob and Rachel, they are no mere story to you.
Ten Jakub i Rachel, są dla ciebie tylko zwykłymi historiami.
So to marry Rachel, Jacob was forced to work another seven years.
Aby ożenić się z Rachela, Jakub zmuszony był pracować kolejne 7 lat.
But i gotta get ready for my date with Jacob, so...
Ale muszę się wygrzebać na randkę z Jacobem, więc... Jasne.
Jacob said richard would know what to do.
Jacob powiedział, że Richard będzie wiedział, co robić.
Jacob, I know why you lost your faith.
Jacob, wiem czemu utraciłeś wiarę.