(Noun) wysepka, ostrów, kępa;
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
What next? Is there a dream role that has eluded him? "I'd love to have a go at Napoleon, if anyone wants to make that. It has to be late-stage Napoleon because early is too expensive. The retreat from Moscow is fucking millions, whereas the last few years on St Helena you can make for two hundred grand. You'd want to do that in film because Napoleon would sit quite still and brood a lot. You'd do a miserable old man stumbling around an island, wouldn't you? Might be quite fun." His face clouds over momentarily as he recalls that Ian Holm has played the part twice, but it doesn't last long. "Remakes," he announces cheerily. "Every generation has to have their own Napoleon." It could happen. For now, certainly, he has the world triumphantly at his feet.
If there was ever a real-life policeman who came close in progressive Swedish affections to Kurt Wallander, the bestselling creation of Henning Mankell, it would probably be G??ran Lindberg, chief of police of Uppsala, the city north of Stockholm that is home to Sweden's most prestigious university. Although he lacked Wallander's humility and reticence, Lindberg was concerned, like Wallander, with the marginalised and neglected in Swedish society. He was the sponsor of a sanctuary for abused juveniles, for example, and was at the forefront of the campaign to institute a more sympathetic response to rape victims.
What had originally alerted the police to Lindberg's predilections was an incident in July last year in which a multimillionaire 60-year-old man was found dead beneath a balcony in a salubrious Stockholm suburb. According to police, the man had been running an illicit sex network delivering women to groups of men. Apparently on the day of his death he had been expecting the arrival at his home of an 18-year-old girl. Instead a gang of men turned up and issued a vicious beating. Shortly afterwards the man either jumped, fell or was pushed from the balcony. On the dead man's desk, investigating police found the phone number of the police chief, Lindberg.
In late July Stockholm was a postcard of relaxed health and vigorous prosperity. Along the spotless avenues and in the city's many green spaces, the kind of people who look as if they have escaped from a yoghurt advert took the opportunity to laze in the sunshine. The southern archipelago lightly baked under cloudless skies. Surrounded by inlets of deep blue water, the Swedish capital seemed to sparkle with a crystalline sense of benevolent purpose.
Many Swedes I spoke to suggested that Lindberg embodied a widespread cultural disconnection between official rhetoric and individual behaviour. As one well-placed observer of the Stockholm scene put it to me: "Some of the most outspoken male politicians on gender equality are also renowned as the most active pursuers of women."
Rejuvenated, the economy expanded again but a disenchantment had entered the Swedish psyche, especially among the utopian left. The disparate doubts and grievances seemed to cohere with the killing of Olof Palme, which remains the defining event of postwar Swedish history. Its impact was bigger, relatively speaking, than the Kennedy assassination. Mankell once wrote a Wallander short story, entitled "The Pyramid", which examined the anxieties unleashed by Palme's murder, and Palme also turns up in The Troubled Man. Later this year, Mankell is also staging in Stockholm a play he has written about Palme, entitled Politik.
Developing countries have argued strongly for minimum 40% emission cuts from industrialised nations by 2020. But new analysis from the Stockholm Environment Institute and Third World Network (TWN), released at the latest UN climate talks in Bonn, showed that current pledges amounted to only 12-18% reductions below 1990 levels without loopholes. When all loopholes were taken into account, emissions could be allowed to rise by 9%.
"The trend of rich countries is a slow reduction in emissions towards 1990 levels, but if you add in the loopholes you see that they could emit way more," said Sivan Kartha, senior scientist at the Stockholm Institute. "They could accumulate huge amounts of credits to continue business as usual."
On Friday a spokeswoman for the Swedish prosecutors' office in Stockholm confirmed an arrest warrant for Assange had been issued in absentia and urged him to "contact police so that he can be confronted with the suspicions".
According to Expressen, a Swedish newspaper, the 39-year-old Australian had been wanted in connection with two separate incidents. The first involved a woman from Stockholm who reportedly accused him of "molestation". The second involved a woman from Enk??ping, about an hour's drive west from Stockholm, who had apparently accused Assange of rape. The warrant was withdrawn yesterday afternoon.
Do you believe Holm will find out more about her?
Wierzysz, że Holm dowie się o niej więcej?
The Holm report has much to say on the subject.
Sprawozdanie Holma mówi wiele na ten temat.
Maybe our dear friend Holm has got any answers?
Może nasz drogi przyjaciel Holm ma jakieś odpowiedzi?
Our new wrestling coach here is named Holm.
Nasz nowy trener zapasów też się nazywa Holm.
Will this not make you repent of your evil ways, David Holm?
Czy to nie wzbudza twojej skruchy za złe uczynki, Dawidzie Holm?
She worries continually about David Holm and his family.
Bezustannie martwi się o Dawida Holma i jego rodzinę.
Turner already killed Holm and his wife.
Turner już zabił Holma i jego żonę.
At last - stubborn David Holm is conquered!
W końcu - zawzięty Dawid Holm jest pokonany!
Holm and I know everything.
Holm i ja wiemy o wszystkim.
And you've already signed where Lars Holm refused.
I już podpisałeś umowę, tam gdzie Lars Holm odmówił.
Lars and Polly Holm were found this evening.
Odnaleziono Lars i Polly Holm tego wieczoru.
With a very particular view, Monsieur Holm.
Z bardzo szczególnym widokiem, Monsieur Holm.
Why hasn't David Holm come?
Dlaczego Dawid Holm nie przychodzi?
Madam President, it is a pleasure to speak on Mr Holm's report on trade in raw materials and commodities.
Pani przewodnicząca! Wystąpienie w przedmiocie sprawozdania pana posła Holma dotyczącego handlu surowcami i towarami jest dla mnie przyjemnością.
in writing. - I welcome Jens Holm's report on trade in raw materials and commodities.
na piśmie. - Z zadowoleniem przyjmuję sprawozdanie pana posła Jensa Holma w sprawie handlu surowcami i podstawowymi produktami.
Mr Lucas, Mr Holm and others have said that all this falls short of the expectations of the environmental groups.
Pan Lucas, pan Holm i inni powiedzieli, że nie spełniono oczekiwań grup proekologicznych.
All the substances which you referred to, Mr Holm, are now governed by REACH.
Do wszystkich substancji, które pan wymienił, panie pośle Holm, teraz mają zastosowanie przepisy rozporządzenia REACH.
Patron of the arts, Holm the gambler... or Holm, the revolutionary?
Patron sztuki, gracz... czy Holm, rewolucjonista?
I would also like to make it clear, Mr Holm, that I would also have voted in favour of a more far-reaching compromise.
Chciałbym jasno powiedzieć, panie pośle Holm, że również miałem zamiar opowiedzieć się za większym kompromisem.
I voted in favour of the own-initiative report by my Swedish fellow Member Mr Holm on trade in raw materials and commodities.
na piśmie. - (FR) Głosowałem za przyjęciem sprawozdania z własnej inicjatywy, autorstwa mojego kolegi ze Szwecji, pana posła Jensa Holma, w sprawie handlu surowcami i produktami podstawowymi.
The next item is the report by Mr Holm, on behalf of the Committee on International Trade, on trade in raw materials and commodities.
Kolejny punkt stanowi sprawozdanie przedstawione przez pana posła Holma w imieniu Komisji Handlu Międzynarodowego w sprawie handlu surowcami i produktami.
The suggestion from Mr Holm for the citizens of Europe to stop eating meat is, I am sorry to say, quite ludicrous, but we all have our own opinions.
Sugestia pana Holma, aby obywatele Europy przestali jeść mięso, jest - przykro mi to stwierdzić - dość absurdalna, ale każdy ma prawo do swojej opinii.
A while ago, my colleague, Jens Holm, asked the Commission whether or not all of the Commission's Directorates-General had registered with EMAS, as Parliament has.
Jakiś czas temu mój kolega Jens Holm zapytał Komisję, czy wszystkie dyrekcje generalne Komisji zarejestrowały się w programie EMAS, jak to uczynił Parlament.
I would like to comment on the statement by Mr Holm and stress that the EUFOR mission in Chad is part of MINURCAT, the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad.
Chciałbym skomentować oświadczenie pana posła Holma i podkreślić, że misja EUFOR w Czadzie jest częścią MINURCAT, misji ONZ w Republice Środkowoafrykańskiej i w Czadzie.
on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group. - (GA) As the shadow rapporteur for the GUE/NGL Group, Jens Holm, is absent, please accept his apologies for the fact that he cannot be here with us for tonight's debate.
w imieniu grupy GUE/NGL. - (GA) Sprawozdawca pomocniczy grupy GUE/NGL, Jens Holm, jest nieobecny, proszę zatem przyjąć jego przeprosiny za to, iż nie może on być z nami na dzisiejszej debacie.