(Noun) Francuz;
) Francuz
n Francuz
przysłonka, "
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
I have to kill a Frenchman when I come back at home? (Laughter) I have to do my carbon offset in another way, like I do every time.
(Śmiech) Muszę zrekompensować swój wpływ na środowisko w inny sposób, jak to robię za każdym razem.
It is certainly not for a Frenchman to pass judgment on this outcome considering the earlier Dutch and French 'no' votes.
Z pewnością obywatel Francji nie powinien oceniać tego rezultatu, zważywszy na wcześniejsze głosowanie "przeciwko” przez Holandię i Francję.
In a match held over from the previous night at two sets apiece, the two men threw absolutely everything at each other and yet, after a final set that lasted more than seven hours, longer even than the previous longest match in grand slam history, they were still going toe to toe. Isner could barely stand up at the end while the Frenchman Mahut, who saved four match points, looked the fresher but could not break the American's serve.At 10-9, Isner stood on the verge of victory when a Mahut double-fault gave the American No23 seed a match point but the Frenchman saved it with yet another ace. The previous record for total games in a final set at Wimbledon â?? 24-22 â?? came and went and neither man had a sniff on serve until Isner led 33-32, when the American mis-hit a backhand return to give himself two more match points. The match looked over but Mahut, roared on by his support group who were greeting every hold with an "allez" or a "oui monsieur", saved the first with a bold forehand and volley combination and then a second match point with a service winner.Somehow the Frenchman held on and from then on, the two men continued to hold serve with few difficulties. Mohamed Lahyani, the umpire, was doing a good job of not taking a bathroom break and when he got down to fix the net cord marker at one stage, someone in the crowd yelled: "Must be nice to get out of the chair, umpire?"At 50-50, 15-40, Mahut forced his first break points of the whole set but Isner saved them both. At 58 games all, both men took a bathroom break. Isner held to lead 59-58 and then had match point when Mahut double-faulted, but the Frenchman came up with yet another ace and then held before the match was halted.One priest, a Frenchman in his 30s identified as Father Paul, attended a party at which there were two male prostitutes then said Mass the following morning before driving them to the airport, Panorama reported. A photo on its website claimed to show the priest in his dog collar but without his trousers with a gay man who acted as decoy for the magazine. In other shots, priests were shown apparently kissing Panorama's collaborator.The property where Williams lived is divided into four flats and is registered to a private company, New Rodina, with an offshore address in the British Virgin Islands. Public documents revealed several current and former residents of the block have links to London and Cheltenham. One Frenchman who lived there between 2005 and 2006 is an expert in global satellite positioning, radio communications and high-sensitivity antennas.One Sunday in May, the same weekend that Baumgartner and Kittinger were due to conduct a round of interviews with the world's media to promote Red Bull Stratos, Michel Fournier was back on his airstrip in North Battleford. A fresh series of preparations had begun for the Frenchman back in January, around the time that Baumgartner had officially confirmed he was to attempt a space-jump in 2010. Fournier ordered a new balloon: his fifth. Probably wary of rousing the same pack of local journalists and science writers who had trooped out to the airfield so many times in the past, Fournier kept his plans quiet. A small crowd, nevertheless, made it to North Battleford to watch, mostly ballooning enthusiasts but also the mayors of two local towns, and Fournier's close friend Gil Bellavance. "I gave him a little salute," recalls Bellavance.One Sunday in May, the same weekend that Baumgartner and Kittinger were due to conduct a round of interviews with the world's media to promote Red Bull Stratos, Michel Fournier was back on his airstrip in North Battleford. A fresh series of preparations had begun for the Frenchman back in January, around the time that Baumgartner had officially confirmed he was to attempt a space-jump in 2010. Fournier ordered a new balloon: his fifth. Probably wary of rousing the same pack of local journalists and science writers who had trooped out to the airfield so many times in the past, Fournier kept his plans quiet. A small crowd, nevertheless, made it to North Battleford to watch, mostly ballooning enthusiasts but also the mayors of two local towns, and Fournier's close friend Gil Bellavance. "I gave him a little salute," recalls Bellavance.Shamans are traditionally thought of as witch/healer people, and some have reinvented themselves today as life coaches with an extra magical dimension. This vision quest is run by a Basque American shaman called Manex Ibar with help from two other shamans â?? a Vietnamese Frenchman called Shed Lay, and a kind of green Timothy Leary called John P Milton. Milton, 70, was a pioneering ecologist in 1960s America. He points out that everyone is talking about "going green", but unless you get into nature in a more spiritual way, the world is never going to change.A Frenchman today became the first limbless person to swim the Channel.
Good, but this Frenchman needs to be put in his place.
To dobrze, ale musimy pokazać Francuzom gdzie jest ich miejsce!
The Frenchman was desperate but he didn't say a word.
Francuz był zdesperowany ale nie powiedział ani słowa.
Me and my partner just got violated by a small Frenchman.
Ja i mój partner właśnie zostaliśmy zbezczeszczeni przez małego Francuzika.
I'm relieved to hear it, after your visit from that Frenchman.
Z ulgą to słyszę, biorąc pod uwagę wizytę tego Francuza.
To the Frenchman, in his recent revolution, it is liberty.
Dla Francuzów po ich ostatniej rewolucji, to wolność
I went to the Frenchman to save my daughter.
Poszedłem do Francuza, żeby ratować córkę.
Well, she did marry a Frenchman - a painter too.
Wyszła za Francuza. I do tego malarza.
Countess, since you introduced me to the Frenchman, my life has changed.
Hrabino, odkąd przedstawiłaś mnie Francuzowi, moje życie się zmieniło.
When I went into service,they dumped me for a Frenchman.
Gdy poszedłem do wojska,zostawiła mnie dla Francuza.
Our arrangement with the Frenchman was for our daughter only.
Umowa z Francuzem dotyczy tylko córki.
I went to second base with a damn Frenchman.
Dotarłem do drugiej bazy z przeklętym Francuzem!
A Jew and a frenchman we Can always affairs do.
Żyd i Francuz. Możemy się kłócić bez końca.
Because as a Frenchman, I approve, in a way, of what he's doing.
Ponieważ jako Francuz, pochwalam w pewnym sensie to co robi.
I look in it like a real frenchman.
Wyglądam w nim jak prawdziwy Francuz.
But in the morning the Frenchman is mine.
Ale rankiem Francuz będzie mój.
We've got a moving signal but no Frenchman.
Mamy sygnał w ruchu, ale nie widzę Francuza.
That old Frenchman's place your daddy give me?
Znasz tę starą posesję, którą dał mi twój ojciec?
A frenchman, a englishman and a spaniard on the wedding of the prince.
Francuz, Anglik i Hiszpan na ślubie księcia.
The Frenchman does not forget, and he does not forgive.
Francuz nie wybacza i nie zapomina.
I must admit, despite his being a Frenchman, Gudin is making progress.
Muszę przyznać że pomimo bycia Francuzem, Gudin robi postępy.
What happier destiny for a Frenchman than to come to you, Madame.
Nie ma większego zaszczytu dla Francuza, niż przybyć do ciebie, Pani.
There are those who say that mr. Jefferson Is more frenchman than american.
Są tacy, którzy powiadają, że pan Jefferson jest bardziej Francuzem, niźli Amerykanem.
The way a Frenchman thinks about laughter in French?
Tak jak Francuz myśli o "śmiechu" po francusku?
I want you to be that Frenchman.
Ty będziesz tym Francuzem.
You're doing pretty good for a Frenchman.
Jak na Francuza dobrze ci idzie.
Whenever the Frenchman left, Miguel would sing to her endlessly.
Kiedy tylko Francuz wyjeżdżał, Miguel nie przestawał śpiewać.
For a Frenchman, that is a crime.
Dla Francuza to prawie jak zbrodnia.
Yes, in the restaurant of the Frenchman.
Tak, w restauracji u Francuza.
What does the Frenchman want now?
Co Francuz chce teraz?
What an Italian can do, a Frenchman can do better.
Co Włoch potrafi zrobić, Francuz potrafi zniszczyć!
Well, if it isn't the little Frenchman!
Czy to nie mały Francuz?
Far away from the Frenchman and Miguel, that foreigner.
Daleko od Miguela i Francuza, tego cudzoziemca.
We never thought of a Frenchman.
Nigdy nie pomyśleliśmy o Francuzie.
What a funny little Frenchman. What’s his name again? Tavernier.
Zabawny jest ten mały Francuz, Jak on się nazywa? ...Tavernier!
A Frenchman's hand is his word.
Podanie ręki Francuza jest równoznaczne z jego słowem.
What's a Frenchman like you know?
Co taki Francuz jak ty o tym wie?
I told Roberto, He´s very good, that little Frenchman.
Mówiłem Roberto, Niezły jest ten mały Francuz.
So the Frenchman turns them on.
Tak więc Francuz je włącza.
King Edward ordered all surviving Frenchman brutally to kill .
Król Edward kazał wyrżnąć wszystkich Francuzów i nie okazywać litości.
Yeh, Frenchman, they were amateurs a bunch of jerks.
Tak, Francuzami. Byli amatorami... Grupa palantów !
You and the Frenchman prepare the gauntlet.
Ty i francuz przygotujcie żarna.
It is certainly not for a Frenchman to pass judgment on this outcome considering the earlier Dutch and French 'no' votes.
Z pewnością obywatel Francji nie powinien oceniać tego rezultatu, zważywszy na wcześniejsze głosowanie "przeciwko” przez Holandię i Francję.
The Hotel Garibaldi is owned by a Frenchman with sympathies.
Hotel Garibaldi jest w posiadaniu Francuza z sympatia do
How is the little Frenchman?
Jak się ma mały Francuz?
They're on to me, those Frenchman.
Oni o mnie wiedzą, ci Francuzi.
A Frenchman and a girl.
Francuz i dziewczyna.
Hello, Rivero, do you still have the Frenchman?
Halo, macie tam jeszcze tego Francuza?
He works for the Frenchman.
Pracuje dla Francuza.