(Noun) militarny brauning; kulinaria substancja do zabarwiania sosów;
'braUnIÎn Substancja do zabarwiania sosów You might want to use some browning (Może warto byłoby, żebyś dodał nieco substancji do zabarwiania sosów) - Student University of Exeter (1999)
hist.uzbr. browning
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
They do. Although Shapcott excelled in her earlier incarnation, picking up the Forward prize in 1999 for her third collection, My Life Asleep, and becoming the only poet to win the National Poetry Competition twice, there's a hard-won maturity to her latest poems, coupled with a new and deep attentiveness, that lifts them above anything she has so far written. In former collections, she took vital pleasure in inserting herself into multiple personae, from Marlon Brando to Elizabeth Barrett Browning to her famous "Mad Cow" of the early 90s (best line: "I love the staggers"), switching masks with such enthusiasm that Michael Hofmann, writing in the Times, said of her that "once in disguise . . . pressed into other skins and other perspectives, she howls and sings". In Of Mutability, though, the howling is quieted. These poems, which are as full of greenery and music and fresh air as they are of hospitals and hair loss, are briefer, breathier; their edges, often acid-sharp in previous books, have relaxed and spread. "Look further into the stands of trees / and everything changes", she says in the lovely, lilting "Viral Landscape", in which the collection's themes of physical uncertainty, and the glad embrace of it, are exemplified. "The eye // can't locate an individual shade: / it's all delicate tips and hints / of green rolling in the wind. / We are moving and I can't see a thing."
The history of the self-tan, the fastest-growing sector of the international cosmetics market, is streaky at best. We do know that the first product to come on the market arrived in the mid-1950s and was called Man-Tan. It contained dihydroxyacetone (DHA), a chemical derived from sugar cane and still the most effective ingredient for those seeking a sunless tan, as it causes a browning reaction with the amino acids on the skin's surface rather than simply staining the skin. The rumour goes that its tanning properties were discovered by accident in the 1920s when a nurse treating a diabetic patient with DHA accidentally spilled it on his chest while connecting his drip. The following day she noticed it had coloured his skin.
Lay the lamb flat on a board and season with fennel salt. You will not need all the mixture â?? keep leftovers in a jar, and use to season fish, pork or lamb. Roll up the breast tightly and secure in three or four places with kitchen string. Transfer to a roasting tin and roast for half an hour. Turn down the oven to 150C/300F/gas mark 2 and take the tin out of the oven. Transfer the lamb to a board, scatter the fennel, onion and potatoes in the tin, turning them in the oily pan juices until well coated and season with more fennel salt. Put the lamb on top and roast for an hour and a half, turning the vegetables a few times, until both lamb and veg are tender. Check from time to time â?? if the veg look dry, sprinkle with a little wine or water; if it's browning too quickly, cover the lot with foil.
In the introduction to his endlessly enjoyable Oxford Book of Parodies, John Gross explains the way in which parodists often rejoice in their subjects. "They are not telling us that we should not write like Robert Browning (or George Crabbe or Henry James or Muriel Spark), still less that Browning should not write like Browning â?? that he should choose to apprehend the universe in this one peculiar fashion. And how gratifying that he should keep it up â?? that he can always be relied on to be Browningesque."
I told him it was Browning's so he'd be a part of our team.
Ale powiedziałem mu, że do Browninga, żeby był częścią zespołu.
Ok, this could be what Browning was trying to sell.
Ok, to może być to co Browning próbowała sprzedać.
This Browning of yours must be a very understanding man.
Ten twój Browning musi być bardzo ciekawym gościem.
George and me picked Browning up, uh, maybe five minutes later.
George i ja znaleźliśmy Browning po jakiś pięciu minutach.
Hard to believe browning would be messing around with something like this.
Trudno uwierzyć, że Browning mieszałby się w coś takiego.
Of course, the owner wanted to stay, but he's browning in the pizza oven.
Oczywiście, właściciel chciał zostać, ale podrumienia się w piekarniku.
So, Browning lied about her knowledge of the card and whatever information it contained.
A więc, Browning kłamała w sprawie wiedzy o kartach oraz zawartych w nich informacjach.
Browning's company is one of the fastest growing defense contractors on the continent.
Browning jest jedną z najszybciej rozwijających się na kontynencie firm zajmujących się obroną.
Browning and you sleep because You want to steal something from your head.
Wciągnęli was w ten sen, bo chcą wykraść coś z pana umysłu.
Browning's blood was on the chalk, he used it.
Krew Browninga była na kredzie. Używał jej.
He said that browning didn't own a car.
Problem w tym, że wg dozorcy Browning nie miał samochodu.
You put my son in a cage with lions, Christopher Browning.
Zamknąłeś mojego syna w klatce razem z lwami, Christopherze Browning.
Well, he's definitely a suspect, along with Lorraine Browning and her husband.
Cóż, jest zdecydowanie w kręgu podejrzanych, wraz z Lorraine Browning i jej mężem.
That Happerman & Browning thing, it just wasn't meant to be.
Ta praca w Happerman & Browning... Pewnie nie tak miało być.
Did we get anything from Browning's laptop?
Czy mamy coś z laptopa Browning?
You know that Robert Browning once lived in that palazzo?
Wiesz, że w tym pałacu mieszkał kiedyś Robert Browning?
Was browning still on the faculty?
Browning wciąż był na wydziale?
I had many opportunities Browning observed.
Miałem okazję by przyjrzeć się Browningowi.
It's a Browning P9R, the same model used to kill Ellen.
To Browning P9R, ten sam model użyty do zabicia Ellen.
Do you have your Baby Browning?
Masz przy sobie Baby Browning(pistolet)?
General Browning, what of the Germans?
A co z Niemcami, generale Browning?
We can take her to Dr. Browning.
Możemy ją zabrać do doktor Browning.
It's heady stuff, Flack, I know, but Browning was a genius.
To ciężkostrawne, Flack, wiem, ale Browning był geniuszem.
That's from my favorite sonnet by Mrs. Browning.
To z mojego ulubionego sonetu Mrs. Browning'a.
Happerman & Browning, where I will no doubt... discover the next great American novel.
Happerman & Browning, gdzie z całą pewnością... odkryje nową, wielką Amerykańską nowelę.
You were asking about Mr Browning?
Pytał pan o pana Browninga?
Ms. Browning's answer is my answer.
Odpowiedź pani Browning jest moją odpowiedzią.
You're not going anywhere, Ms. Browning.
Nigdzie pani nie pójdzie, pani Browning.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning and I was telling you that... um...
Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Mówiłam ci, że...
Tell 'me about the big interview. At Happerman & Browning, Monday at 10:00.
Powiedz wszystkim o twojej rozmowie kwalifikacyjnej. u Happerman & Browning, w poniedziałek o 10:00.
This is Barbara Snaff from Happerman & Browning.
Mówi Barbara Snaff z Happerman & Browning.
Because it's your turn, Mr. Browning.
Ponieważ to pana kolej, panie Browning.
Very nice, Mr. Browning.
Bardzo ładnie panie Browning.
And the sicker Maurice Fischer becomes, the more powerful Peter Browning becomes
Im bardziej chory staje się Maurice Fischer, tym bardziej potężny staje się Peter Browning.
Born Charles Albert Browning in LouisviIle, Kentucky, in 1880,
Urodził się w 1880 r. w Kentucky jako CharIes Browning.
Ms. Browning. I'm sergeant McCluskey. This is
Pani Browning jestem sierżant McCluskey.