(Noun) Augustyn;
im. Augustyn
Augustyn m pr
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
We have just left behind the Caelian hill from which St Augustine set off to convertthe Angles and Saxons, so we have at least made an apt start to a visit that forms an integral part of Pope Benedict's mission to re-evangelise Europe, the heartland of Roman Catholicism.
Match officials: Confucius (China), St Augustine (Hippo), St Thomas Aquinas (Italy).
In Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin of Error, the journalist Kathryn Schulz asks us to rethink our attitude to our own fallibility, arguing that our discomfort with getting things wrong erodes our relationships, whether in the domestic sphere or on an international scale. Drawing on thinkers from Augustine and Darwin to Freud and even Groucho Marx, she argues that we should instead see error as an essential part of human creativity.
And again the agency ignored the warnings. In 1989, the US Office of Technology Assessment calculated there was a 50-50 chance of losing another shuttle "within 34 flights", while the Augustine committee, charged with investigating the future of the US space programme, warned Nasa was "likely to lose another space shuttle in the next several years".
Our sensibilities were shaped by the fine choices of Professor Augustine Martin, who set the stories for the school curriculum, among them "The Road to the Shore", a story that revealed as much to me about aesthetic possibilities and satisfactions as it did about nuns. We were taught French by reading Maupassant and German through the stories of Siegfried Lenz, though if the short story is a national form it did not seem to flourish in the national language of Irish, where all the excitement â?? for me at least â?? was in poetry. The fact remains that I grew up with the idea that short stories were lovely and interesting and useful things, in the way the work of Macardle and Sheen was not.
Said she got back from Augustine and found him on the floor.
Mówi, że wruciła z Augustin i znalazła go na podłodze.
Why haven't you asked Sister Augustine about these things directly?
Dlaczego nie zapytacie siostry Augustine o te sprawy wprost?
Augustine, you look like one those heroines from your novels.
Augustine, wyglądasz jak bohaterka jednego z twoich romansów.
She says your grandfather was in love with Augustine.
Mówi, że twój dziadek był zakochany w Augustynie.
Sister Augustine lived in Catholic foster care until she came to us.
Siostra Augustine żyła w katolickiej rodzinie zastępczej... ... zanim przybyła do nas.
Sister Augustine believes in things that aren't real.
Siostra Augustine wierzy w rzeczy, które tak naprawdę nie istnieją.
You should be ashamed of yourself, aunt Augustine.
Wstydź się za siebie, ciociu Augustine.
Augustine, residential serpent, comes flirting and spouting the latest gossip.
Augustine, domowa żmija, przychodzi flirtować i przekazać ostatnie plotki.
This is my other daughter, Augustine.
A to moja druga córka, Augustine.
Thank you! - Grace Augustine is a legend.
Dziękuję. Grace Augustine, to legenda.
Augustine is like a child.
Augustine jest jak dziecko.
Did Mamy and Augustine get along with daddy?
Czy Babcia i Augustine zgadzały się z tatą?
Dr. Augustine, you cannot be up here!
Dr Augustine! Tutaj nie wolno.
St. Augustine... changed this from an objective... to a more subjective creation.
Święty Augustyn... zmienił to z obiektywnej... na bardziej subiektywną wizję.
Aunt Augustine is looking so pale.
Ciocia Augustine wygląda tak blado.
Mama Augustine, she can read drums.
Mama Augustyna, ona czyta bębny.
That book on St. Augustine that you had me dust...
Ta książka o św. Augustynie którą mi przypomniałeś...
Grace Augustine is a legend. The Avatar program head.
Grace Augustine jest legendą. które Ona napisała instrukcji.
Dearest Augustine, I do hope this latest damp has not aggravated your gray lung.
Najdroższa Augustyna, Mam nadzieję, że ten najnowszy wilgocią nie pogarsza Twoje szare komórki płuc.
Dr. Augustine, have not allowed here!
Dr. Augustine! Pani nie wolno tu być.
It just arrived from St. Augustine, Florida.
Ach, to fontanna młodości, właśnie przyjechała z Florydy.
I'm still with Augustine?
Czy jestem wciąż z Augustine?
lets Augustine off work duties, treating her as fragile, special.
Zwalnia Augustine z obowiązkowych prac. Uważa ją za .... delikatną. Wyjątkową.
Trust me, just ask her Dr. Augustine.
Ufa mnie, tylko spytać jej dr Augustine.
It starts at Dunker, passing through Augustine.
Zaczyna się w Dunker i przebiega przez Augustine.
Drums tell your arrival, Mama Augustine.
Bębny oznajmiają twoje przybycie, mamo Augustyno.
St. Augustine's Monastery, on the road to Reedfield.
Do klasztoru św. Augustyna, przy drodze do Reedfield.
Name's Hicks, on the Sheriff from Augustine.
Hicks, szeryf z Augustine.
Three years at St. Augustine Seminary.
lata na seminarium St. Augustine.
Our dear Augustine!
Nasz droga Augustine!
Bravo, aunt Pierrette, focussing all attention on Augustine.
Brawo, ciociu Pierette, skupiłaś całą uwagę na Augustine.
Well, Jacques, St. Augustine wrote about that.
No cóż, Jacques, święty Augustyn pisał o tym.
The patient's a nun- Sister Augustine.
Pacjentka jest zakonnicą. To siostra Augustine.
Madame, lucky tooth from St. Augustine of Hippo.
Madame. Madame, szczęśliwy ząb od świętej Augustyny Hippo. Madame.
Milord Saint Augustine was fond of peacock.
Milord Saint Augustine bardzo lubi pawia.
Chanel won't speak, Augustine won't stop crying,
Chanel nie mówi nic, Augustine nie przestaje płakać.
Dr. Augustine School?
Dr Augustine Szkoła?
That is Augustine, that is Mama, that is me.
To Augustyna, to mama a to ja.
I would like to address the following to two people: the Commissioner-General of Police, Augustine Chihuri, and army commander Constantine Chiwenga.
Chciałabym zwrócić się do dwóch osób: komisarza generalnego policji, Augustine Chihuri, i komendanta armii Constantine Chiwenga.
And then... ...my sister. Augustine.
A potem... moja siostra.
It has also sentenced Morris Kallon, one of the commanders of the RUF, to 40 years' imprisonment, and Augustine Gbao, responsible for security in the RUF, to 25 years' imprisonment.
Sierra Leone skazał Issę Hassana Sesaya, głównego przywódcę Zjednoczonego Frontu Rewolucyjnego, na 52 lata więzienia, Morrisa Kallona, jednego z przywódców Frontu, na 40 lat więzienia, a Augustinea Gbao, odpowiedzialnego we Froncie za sprawy bezpieczeństwa, na 25 lat więzienia.