(Noun) astronomia Ariel, wewnętrzny satelita Urana;
Ariel (jeden z pięciu największych satelitów Urana)
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
So far, research on the social impact of internet pornography is inconclusive â?? partly for the good reason that its effect on a generation of young people growing up now can't be measured yet. Critics express a range of concerns, including addiction and its knock-on effects on relationships; the specific risk to vulnerable young people; and the wider influence of pornography on contemporary culture, as set out by journalist Ariel Levy in her influential book Female Chauvinist Pigs.
"We want to express our dismay with the intention of the theatres' managements to perform in the new auditorium in Ariel and hereby declare that we will refuse to perform in the city, as in any other settlement." Israel's theatre companies should "pursue their prolific activity inside the sovereign territory of the state of Israel within the boundaries of the Green Line".
Livnat said the boycott would cause divisions in Israeli society: "Culture is a bridge in society, and political disputes should be left outside cultural life and art. I call for the scheduled performances to be carried out as scheduled in Ariel and all over the country, as each citizen has the right to consume culture anywhere he chooses."
Joy for 33 men caught underground as Ariel Ticona's wife, Elizabeth Segovia, gives birth to girl called Esperanza (Hope)
Ariel Ticona was able to pass a message to his wife, Elizabeth Segovia, following the birth of their daughter, using a fibre optic video link set up between ground level and the small underground refuge where they could remain trapped for several months.
I drove back to Salta, en route for Tucum??n. Hugo had suggested that his son, Ariel Bellos, my third cousin, meet me halfway, at a town called Cafayate. The road into Cafayate was like driving through a pop-up geographical encyclopedia. I zigzagged round sharp hillocks with tufty green shrubs before it became very mountainous, a dry landscape of red, pink and purple in remarkable shapes, such as giant amphitheatres inside the rocks and cliff-faces with Gaudiesque turrets.
I waited in my hotel, another neo-colonial style boutique hotel but this time with a view across a vineyard, for Ariel to show. I began to feel a bit nervous. Would we have anything to say to each other? I didn't even know what he looked like, but when he walked into the hotel there was no mistaking: curly hair, light Semitic features, T-shirt and jeans. We stared at each other for a second, and then hugged. "Primo!" said Ariel, cousin.
The next day Ariel drove us to the Quilmes ruins. Many people will recognise Quilmes as the name of Argentina's national beer; fewer realise that the name originates from the indigenous tribe who lived between Cafayate and Tucum??n. The Quilmes were a tenacious people who fought off the Incas and managed to hold off the Spaniards for more than a century until 1667, when the whole tribe was marched 1,600km on foot to a reservation near Buenos Aires, which is now the city of Quilmes â?? and where the beer was first brewed.
The Quilmes ruins are a short drive from Cafayate on the way to Tucum??n, and are Argentina's most important pre-Columbian archeological site. Originally a fortress-city that rises up the side of a mountain, the site has been partially restored. Ariel and I climbed the structure, and from the top you really got a sense of what it must have felt like half a millennium ago.
Celebrants included Michel Madrid Ticona, who was playing a flute belonging to his uncle Ariel Ticona, one of the rescued miners. "This is a party for the Virgin Mary and the miracle she performed for the 33 miners," he said. A priest read the name of each of the 33 miners to cheering crowds as people in the hospital looked out from windows and waved.
Ariel told me not to until I know it's the right thing.
Ariel powiedziała, żebym tego nie robił, dopóki nie będę wiedział, że to jest właściwie.
Oh, Ariel, how many times must we go through this?
Och, Ariel, ile razy musimy przez to przechodzić?
Ariel. Do you really think there might be sharks around here?
Czy ty naprawdę myślisz, że w okolicy mogą być jakieś rekiny?
Ariel's as good a place as any to leave them.
Ariel jest równie dobre by ich zostawić, jak każde inne miejsce.
Ariel, you're under a lot of pressure down here.
Ariel, jesteś w tej sytuacji pod wielkim ciśnieniem.
Do you think Ariel's desire for another woman was to test you?
Myślisz, że pożądanie Ariela do innej kobiety było dla niego testem?
Ariel, it doesn't matter to me whether you're human or Invid.
Ariel, dla mnie nie ma znaczenia, czy jesteś człowiekiem czy Invid.
Ariel, in turn, is connected to the Internet via modem.
Ariel jest połączony z Internetem przez modem.
I trust her completely sir, and her name is Ariel.
Ufam jej całkowicie, nazywa się Ariel.
Ariel, why did you bring these people here?
Ariel, dlaczego przyprowadziłaś tu tych ludzi?
Ariel was worried about a blind man called Jose.
Ariel martwił niewidomy o imieniu Jose.
Ariel, do you know what happened to Vannacutt's journal?
Ariel, wiesz co stało się z dziennikiem dr. Vannacutt?
Mistress Ariel, I hear the words, but not the sincerity.
Ponieważ słyszę słowa, ale nie szczerość.
When Ariel looks at you, do you feel weird?
Kiedy Ariel spojrzał na ciebie, to czy czułaś się dziwnie?
Lucky break for me Ariel couldn't make it.
Na moje szczęście, Ariel nie mogła przyjść.
It was wonderful and you're perfect for Ariel.
Wydaje mi się, że jesteś idealna na Ariela.
Ariel, how nice of you to come.
Jesteś syreną? Ariel, jak miło, że wpadłaś.
You have to understand, Ariel, it isn't him.
Musisz zrozumieć, Ariel, to nie jest on.
Ariel, maybe you should go with him.
Ariel, może powinnaś z nim iść.
Ariel, tell us where your father is.
Ariel, powiedz nam, gdzie jest Twój ojciec.
Sit there as long as you want, Ariel.
Siedź tam tak długo jak zechcesz, Ariel.
Helena, you and Ariel stay here by the Eagle.
Helena, ty i Lowry zostaniecie tutaj blisko Orła.
Why, if Ariel was my daughter, I'd show her who was boss.
Jeśli Ariel byłaby moją córką, to pokazałbym jej kto jest szefem.
Ariel said there's a shortcut through the cemetery?
Ariel mówił, że jest skrót przez cmentarz.
Ariel contacted me a few months ago.
Ariel skontaktowała się ze mną kilka miesięcy temu.
We'd like to invite Ariel and Isaac to act as witnesses to this ceremony.
Pragniemy zaprosić Ariela i Isaaca jako światków do aktu tej ceremonii.
Richard phillips, this is Ariel foxman and honor brodie from in style.
Richard Phillips, to jest Ariel Foxman i Honar Brodie z In Style.
Why can Ariel talk when she's a mermaid, but not when she's a person?
Zapytałem ją, czemu Ariel mówi, kiedy jest syreną.
I think you saved my life, Ariel.
Ariel, chyba ocaliłaś mi życie.
If this fold doesn't work Ariel, I just wanted you to know that...
Ariel jeśli ten skok się nie uda, chcę byś wiedziała, że...
Coach found out I brought Ariel home late, so I'm a troublemaker.
Ktoś się na mnie uwziął. Trener dowiedział się, że Ariel późno wróciła do domu.
Everything's going to be all right, Ariel.
Wszystko będzie dobrze, Ariel.
Ariel, it doesn't matter who he is.
Ariel, nie ma znaczenia kim on jest.
I think he's waving goodbye to Ariel.
Chyba macha do Ariel na pożegnanie.
We've arrested him, Ariel, under suspicion of murder.
Aresztowaliśmy go, Ariel, jako podejrzanego o morderstwo.
Ariel was 10 times the player.
Ariel jest 10 razy lepsza.
Ariel, they're taking us to the gas!
Ariel, zabierają nas do gazu!
Ariel, remember you have school tomorrow.
Na razie! - Ariel, jutro masz szkołę.
Ariel tells me you're writing again.
Ariel mówi, że znów piszesz.
Ariel,honey, this is not a good time.
Ariel, to nie jest dobry moment.
Ariel meeting is moved to Wednesday.
Spotkanie w sprawie Ariela przełożono na środę.
I think you're perfect for Ariel.
Wydaje mi się, że jesteś idealna na Ariela.
There once was a unicorn named Ariel.
Był kiedyś jednorożec o imieniu Ariel.
I was expecting it to be savage, like an Ariel Atom
Spodziewałem się, że jest dziki, jak Ariel Atom
Ariel, you know that' Everyone knows that.
Ariel, wiesz o tym! Wszyscy o tym wiedzą.
And especially my little Ariel.
A w szczególnośći moja malutka Ariel.
Eleanor was nothing compared to Ariel.
Eleanor była zerem przy Ariel.
Paige sent an e-mail to a friend, Ariel Masse.
Paige wysłała e-mail do Ariel Masse, przyjaciółki.
Ariel's quite a nice place, actually.
Ariel jest całkiem miłym miejscem.
Did you not hear Ariel?
Nie słyszałeś Ariel?